Tips on enjoying these pages

Tuning your browser: These pages are formatted to respect the reader's need to control those factors that effect the readability of the contents. Most browsers allow you to set the default colors, fonts, and most importantly, type size. When displaying these works on a computer screen you may find them more readable if you increase the size of the text. Adjusting the colors may help as well. I suggest black text on a white background.

Changing the default values in your browser will only effect those pages that don't hard code exact type sizes and colors into their pages. Web pages that respect the viewer's preferences only set the relative type sizes (headlines are bigger than normal text, etc.).

Enjoying these pages off-line

First select/load the page you want to enjoy off-line (get the page you want on your screen).

Printing: While the quality of computer monitors is improving, many people prefer the legibility and convenience of print media for longer works like novels. Most browsers provide a Print button or selection in the menus. The print button is a much better alternative to the PrnScr key.

Save To Disk: The best way is to select the save to disk button or selection in the menus. You will be offered dialog windows where you can tell your computer where to place the files. It is usually a good idea to put the saved files in a unique directory. You may want to save sets of files to floppy disks. Where ever you decide to put the files, remember the location - you will need it later to view the files.

Viewing Saved Files: Start up your web browser as usual. When the dialer dialog window appears, click on "Don't Connect" or "Cancel". Your browser should load without making an on-line connection. Most browsers offer a files pull down menu. In the files menu select Open. Set the drive and directory to the same as you used when saving the files.

Only those page components that were saved will appear when viewing the pages off-line. Graphics that are called from other http: addresses on the web will not be displayed off-line.

"Flat" links that reference pages in the same directory will still work off-line - as long as you've saved all the appropriate pages. Links that reference pages at specific http: locations will not work off-line. Use the files | open selections in the browser's menus to open saved files you can't reach using the links in the page. Use the browser's built-in forward/reverse buttons to navigate instead of similar controls in the page.

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