Reciprocal links

The following websites have been kind enough to provide links to Curmudgeon's Conundrums from their own pages. This listing may imply the creators of these other pages approve of this site, meant to list it as a site to avoid, mistyped a similar URL, or were struck with a momentary dementia. However, assuming the best, one can assume that if you enjoyed Curmudgeon's Conundrums, you'll likely enjoy the following websites as well!

If you've provided a link from your website to Curmudgeon's Conundrums homepage and would like a reciprocal listing, send an email with your URL and a brief description of your website to Please only link to the homepage since that is the only page with a counter.


Places for Publishers

House of Ireland - Gifts from Ireland (Waterford Crystal, Aran knitware, jewelry, Belleek Irish china, Irish sweaters, and more). Also great links to Irish perspectives and history.

The Elite Mall is a web shopping center based in the NW offering a wide variety of goods and services. Curmudgeon's Conundrums is listed in the Arts and Collectables category.

Mensa - (American Mensa Ltd - member's pages link)

Intertel International (member's pages link)

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